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Sharron Aubrey

Sharron Aubrey ´s creative domains include Acting, Screenwriting & Producing. Sharron is the founder & Artistic Director of English Productions, who are new and emerging social conscious filmamkers & artists. English Productions is currently producing and developing Film & Theatre Projects including feature film ´L´inverno´ .

"L´Inverno" is an original, dramatic work and epically entralling tale that is a cross between The Pianist by Roman Polanski and Life is Beautiful by Roberto Benigni. The title "L´Inverno" is taken and inspired by Antonios Vivaldis, Winter, from the Four Seasons. A captivating forbidden love story between an SS Officer and a Jewish violinst. An expression of the catalystic power of music that brings our characters together, we explore the human condition. We witness the essence of these relationships and their importance as we journey with each character and watch the conflicts that arise as this intense character driven tale is placed under the confrontational, challenging circumstances of war. A heroic struggle of overcoming all obstacles. Emotionally stirring & strikingly atmospheric. A compelling dramatic motion picture experience. "L´Inverno" expresses themes of humanity and hope. It deals with the battles of beliefs and the impact of discrimination and its effects on the human spirit. Its themes are universal and have current relevance as genocide, human rights violations and crimes against humanity are still on going. May it help provide the message and lessons learned that this may end and never happen again.

We believe filmmakers have particular responsibility in our global society. Film has relevance, importance and can be transformative for todays societal & future generations. Your support helps create a film that can provide social implications for change. The importance of the Holocaust and it stories raise important questions of what it means to be human and how we ensure that these atrocities are never repeated against our fellow human beings. The medium of film can assist in providing an opportunity for cultural development and as well assist in the chance for opening dialogue where we can raise awareness for the reconciliation of the past and build a bridge of tolerance and understanding.



Member for
9 years 12 weeks