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CĂ©licia Theys

Hello everyone, I'm so happy to be joining this community of like-minded carvers of an inspiring and inspired world! My name is Celicia and the quote that probably best describes what I hope to contribute to the world (and to myself) is Victor Hugo's "There's nothing like a dream to create the future", linked to the idea that dreaming together is what makes dreams come true. For a couple of years now, I have been playing with the idea and the practice of theatre as a tool for social change, and have become convinced that theatre and any art form really is an exceptional vector for anyone to tap into that inner creativity we all possess, that which some call "intuition" and others "soul" or "transforming power", the spark that can reconnect us to our deeper self and connect us to others who are on a similar path of co-creation for a more harmonious world.



Member for
10 years 7 weeks