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Kara Johnstad

Kara Johnstad is a creative visionary, transformational catalyst and a powerful voice in the time and age of transition. She is a singer / songwriter, creator of Voice Your Essence Radio Show™ , and founder of the Voice Your Essence™ Program.

Leading change agents, healers, personal development speakers and others recognize her as being a unique source of powerful truth and wisdom. As a top voice expert she has helped thousands with her "break-through" voice techniques and shares with us the secrets behind this powerful instrument and the role the human voice plays in fine tuning our Mind-Body-Spirit systems.

Kara connects each and every week with subscribers from around the world via her Voice Your Essence™ eZine.

Enjoy listening to Kara's soulful music as part of your daily ritual of reconnecting to source or jump onto the next level and experience personally the power of your true authentic voice with Kara Johnstad's Voice Your Essence™ Program.



Member for
11 years 37 weeks