Terms and Conditions

Your Letter to Humanity

If the power to make this world a better place were in your hands, what would you wish for? And what would you do to bring your vision into reality?

Could you join those of us willing to look for the ideas that will set humanity on a new course, the fresh insights that will satisfy all our desires for justice and peace?

How would you put into words your wishes for the world and your aspiration to do something to bring change and make use of the talent that we all have in our hearts?

Write whatever you like to the rest of your human family. And imagine “a million new friends” just waiting now to hear from you.

If you like, share your deepest hopes and yearnings. Feel free to reveal your insights—and don’t forget some thoughts about what you are going to do.

Others have already been through this exercise that touches the heart of who we are and makes room for the emergence of who we could be, together, to respond collaboratively and efficiently to the important challenges we face today.

To discover these existing “letters to humanity”, we encourage you to read the book Talent for Humanity: Stories of Creativity, Compassion and Courage to Inspire You on Your Journey.


Your Letter to Humanity should be of a maximum of 1000 words to be uploaded here

No obligation to be a poet or a professional to write your Letter to Humanity. This project is open to everyone.

Visionaries, creative dreamers, positive thinkers, change and peace makers of all ages are welcome.

If you would like to send us a video of yourself reading your letter, please write to letters@talentforhumanity.org as we will be opening a Letter to Humanity video channel on You Tube very shortly.


At the present time, we can only accept letters written in English or French. We will be opening it to other languages in a near future.

Letters must be submitted online and be in the .doc, .docx or .pdf format. No other type of format or form of submission will be accepted.

All letters will be screened by Talent for Humanity moderators before validation. To be confirmed by our moderators, your text cannot contain words or phrases promoting or encouraging racism, hatred, sexism, etc.


By participating to this project, the writer agrees to be bound by all terms of the Letter to Humanity rules as established herein. 

Letters must be original works and shall not have been plagiarized or infringe on any copyrights or any other rights of any third parties. Writer shall, by participating, indemnify and hold Talent for Humanity harmless from and against any claims inconsistent with the foregoing.

This project is open to anyone who is not exclusively signed to a publisher and/or its affiliates or subsidiaries, and regardless of nationality or origin.

By uploading his/her letter, the writer fully agrees and understands that he/she gives Talent for Humanity his/her rights:  (if writer is under 18 years old, the signature of a parent or guardian is required)

o   To reproduce his/her Letter on its own or with other Letters

o   To publish the Letter on its own on any type of support (printed, digital, etc.)

o   To publish his/her Letter with other Letters on any type of support

o   To sign any publishing or distribution deals with publishers, online vendors, etc.

o   To have a professional narrator reciting the text, be it on audio and/or video formats to be uploaded on our and any other websites, and support systems (You Tube, Vimeo, etc.)

o   To authorize us to partner with companies and/or individuals who will join us as sponsors/patrons/etc. Finance received by these people or companies are exclusively reserved for the use of TFH organizations to fulfill their mission statement.

o   To use the writer’s text for public readings, promotion, marketing, etc.

There will be no payments due to the writer if we do not generate direct income from the Letters.

The writers (collectively) who will have their text(s) published in a book (printed, audio, video and/or digital version) which will be sold, will receive (collectively) 7% (seven per cent) of the net income received by Talent for Humanity non-profit organizations. This amount will be equally divided among the authors. Payments will be made to the author(s) six months after receiving the royalties from distributors, publishers, online vendors, etc.

The writer gives his/her rights to Talent for Humanity non-profit organizations for his/her Letter to Humanity to be used for movie, TV and live performances. If Talent for Humanity receives income from these Medias, the author(s) will receive collectively no more than 10% (ten per cent), and no less than 5% (five per cent), of the net income received by Talent for Humanity non-profit organizations.

In case of a publishing deal and/or other projects (commercial or not), the writer will be required to sign an affidavit confirming that their work is original and he/she holds exclusive rights to the work.

The name(s) of the author(s) will be mentioned if possible to do so.  Talent for Humanity will be the only organization to represent the different (commercial and non-commercial) rights of the text.

Uploading your Letter constitutes permission to use writer's name, a photo and voice (if applicable) for future advertising and publicity purposes without additional compensation.

This project is governed by the internal laws of the country of Belgium without regard to principals of conflict of laws. All cases and claims pertaining to this initiative must be brought in a court of competent jurisdiction in the City of Brussels, without recourse to class action suits.

If any provision of these rules is found to be invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction or appointed arbitrator, such determination shall in no way affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision herein.

Writer agrees to release, indemnify, and hold Talent for Humanity, its sponsors, and moderators harmless for liability, damages, or claims for injury or loss to any person or property relating to, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, participation in this project.