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Young Talents

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Elodie Lhuer

Event Production Coordinator

Event Production Coordinator

Born in Paris, Elodie blew out her first birthday candle in a plane flying to Australia where she spent the next 6 years of her life with her family. After this wild nature life and sunshine childhood, she made her return to France. Although tough, it was very inspiring as her creativity and interest in the arts began to develop. Piano, pottery and drawing were then just a few of her hobbies.

After graduation, the many years of drawing naturally led her to art school but after one year she realized making art wasn't possible without discovering what was the reality in the other corners of the world. So she took a year off, working then travelling across the world while also participating with work camps in Ghana, Indonesia and Mongolia.

Such experiences alone and at such a young age were striking and a determinant for her future. She discovered international solidarity and was immediately drawn towards humanitarian work. After 5 years of study in administration and logistics, she finally fulfilled her goal by working with MSF (Doctors without Borders). This logistic organization for hospitals and mobile clinics in Congo, refugee camps in Central Africa, rescue for floods in Philippines, vaccinations in Tchad became her everyday life for the past 4 years.

When back to France, people often asked her, “Isn’t it hard seeing all that misery?” At that she would answer, “Of course it is hard and you feel condolence for people because they suffer a lot and sometimes even their vital needs are not fulfilled. But at the same time, I took as much as I gave from those strong people about appreciating the value of present time and the real priorities in life. I also learned that dance and music for instance are more than just arts, it is a way of living and sharing joy for free!"

Returning with a stronger and larger spirit, she is now about to work in the organization of cultural and sport events around the world with the aim of spreading good vibes and sharing amazing projects. She is presently working in London at the 2012 Olympics games.